I have decided to start this blog as more of a vent than anything else. Something occurred last week to someone I love very much that just really set me off. When you look at the grand scheme of things in the universe, how many problems could be solved worldwide if we were just a little bit nicer to each other. Things really aren't that complicated.
Integrity ladies and gentlemen, where has it gone?
For those of you who are parents, we have got to start breaking the damn cycle more often and raise better citizens.
Success? It can be a great thing, there is nothing wrong with it, but it can be achieved with integrity. We have got to start teaching this to our kids now.
Backstabbing longtime friends, having sex with influential people who can further your career. Are you teaching your children this is the way? If you are, well shame on you and STOP IT NOW.
Why has it become so hard to just be nice to each other? Being nice can really be alot of fun. Try it out.
Initiative, drive, ambition. These are all fantastic words, let's try sticking to the TRUE meaning of these. Remember, they don't mean, "screw over friends and colleagues to get what you want".
I will be in touch soon, I have a lot of venting to do.
By the way, I have been thinking of naming a Jackass of the Month, at first I thought it would be that peeve of a Congressman Foley, I have changed my mind, every single member of Congress gets the honor of Jackass of the Month. You enabled this to continue in the name of politics and "protecting the party". You guys really suck.
Let's talk soon.
I am a consultant for several large and well known firms, and I am a woman. Fortune recently released the 50 most powerful women in business, well, I have worked with several of these women in the last 3 years. What truly angers me is how I have witnessed these women stepping on colleagues who helped them get to the top. I know that 4 of the women on that list literally slept their way to the top. It really offends me not as a woman so much, but as a person. So much so, I have switched my focus and working with those who want to succeed with integrity. It's hard, but very rewarding.
Wow, I am shocked , relieved , thrilled all at once. Nice comments, the madness will never end on a large scale, because human beings are only human. But we can do so much on a personal level. keep up the fight, nice to have you on board
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