11 December 2006

Rude behavior is simply RUDE

Christmas is coming and the Goose is getting fat, please......................................................

Care to guess why I stopped at please? Answer: I didn't want to confuse too many people since most folks DO NOT KNOW what it means. LOL. Sad but true.

Christmas is getting close, so rude behavior is at an all time high in the malls and other retail stores. Gotta get it, gotta get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stuff,things,crap, whatever you want to call it.

I truly love Christmas time, it is just a very cool time of the year, saying goodbye to what was hopefully a good year, or saying good riddance to a bad year and ready to start anew and make some changes. Either way, it's all good.

The thing about Christmas I am not real crazy about, how everybody gets so nuts about presents, worrying if they got enough, or the right thing, or hoping they will like it, whatever, gosh, it just isn't what Christmas is about.

That's my vent for today, gotta feeling more are coming before tonight, LOL.

Stay safe and warm everyone.

08 December 2006

Well, I have been browsing the news today and I think that the respective Governors of the State of Illinois and Missouri have qualified for a special "Mooreon Achievement".

I read about their criticism of how Ameren Corp recently handled the massive power outage in the midwest and how they are calling for investigations and inquiries and WHATEVER.

Hey guys, Mother Nature is a bit of a bitch and very unpredictable. Do you have a solution? My guess is no.

Maybe you should bring in the talented Mr. Sharpton to help you figure it out.

Stop pointing fingers from your glass houses boys, people will start pointing back.

Politicians, don't you just love them? In a time of crisis, their first response is always "how can it help me?"

I would like to point out the exception to Mr. Rudy G. of New York. Rudy, let me know what I can do in 08 and I am there. I really think you care.

This is OneSensibleGuy signing off for now.

07 December 2006

Well, I would like to apologize for the long delay in postings, but I was besieged with requests for guest commentaries and out of town visitors and my kids had a busy month. So with that out of the way, time to get back to the nitty gritty.

I gotta say, there has been alot of candidates for "Jackass of the Month" , wow, it has been a busy time. But, gotta pick somebody.

To all the people who waited in line for days or allowed your children to stand in line for days to get a Sony PS3, you are hands down the winners.

You are simply "Mooreons" , yes we have changed the spelling in tribute to the "King of the Mooreons" Mr. ............................................

Not gonna say his name and give him more pub. You all know who it is. LOL. Bowling anyone??

Signing out for now, will be back today, tomorrow, who knows for sure.