07 December 2006

Well, I would like to apologize for the long delay in postings, but I was besieged with requests for guest commentaries and out of town visitors and my kids had a busy month. So with that out of the way, time to get back to the nitty gritty.

I gotta say, there has been alot of candidates for "Jackass of the Month" , wow, it has been a busy time. But, gotta pick somebody.

To all the people who waited in line for days or allowed your children to stand in line for days to get a Sony PS3, you are hands down the winners.

You are simply "Mooreons" , yes we have changed the spelling in tribute to the "King of the Mooreons" Mr. ............................................

Not gonna say his name and give him more pub. You all know who it is. LOL. Bowling anyone??

Signing out for now, will be back today, tomorrow, who knows for sure.

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