31 May 2008

Me,Me,Me,Me. How about a dose of WE for a change?

I did something today that I had made a semi-promise to myself not to buy donuts from the recently reopened Krispy Kreme store near us as the lines are long and horrible. But, I am an old softy dad who loves to make his daughters smile, and Zelda and Veruka have been waiting patiently since they reopened for a few of those glazed delights.

So, as I am waiting in the drive-thru and people are coming and going from inside the store, here comes a dad with two little girls and an arm full of donuts and drinks when a gust of wind starts scattering the napkins he was carrying.

7 people looked at him and walked on by before one kind man stopped to help him. 7 People!!! Sure wouldn't want to lose a place in line for a box of fat pills.

A few of my favorites, "It's not about me." "That's their problem." "Let them figure it out".

Me, Me, Me, Me, Me.

Let's try adding a teaspoon of WE each day.

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