07 June 2012

Better late than never I guess.

 Before you read, Kudos/Congrats/Way To Go/Job Well Done to Office Depot for doing it right!

For anyone who has purchased a PC or Laptop from Best Buy in the last 2 years you will notice it came with a "Best Buy App Store" pre-installed.  When they asked me to submit my clients software titles I was very excited about the possibilities this could bring as Best Buy was taking the lead before any of the other Big Box stores.  I was wrong.

2 weeks before the projected App Store roll out I called to get a status as communications had seemed to cease.  Turns out, that very morning my contact and the project manager had been escorted out of the building for simply NOT DOING HIS JOB.  It seems all the paperwork was landing on his desk and just collecting dust.

With several hundred hours of labor into this project, myself and a few amazing colleagues stepped up and helped Best Buy get this program LIVE and we succeeded. However their marketing and promotions have failed to yield an ROI worth discussing.

Office Depot on the other hand are doing a fantastic job.  ENDORSED!

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