28 February 2008

Eric "Otter" Stratton or Van Wilder?

Recieved some interesting feedback about my Van Wilder post and my comment about Animal House. Now don't get me wrong, Animal House is in the Hall of Fame for "No Brainer Humor", it's a time tested classic and holds up against any of the crapola hitting the theatres these days. My only point is Van Wilder is definitely in the same league as Eric "Otter" Stratton. (If you recall, it was Tim Matheson who played Van's father) The folks at National Lampoon had a reason.

So anyway, I am not gonna apologize for the comparison as it holds water.

Keep your opinions coming to askme@myviewis.com and tell me why you disagree, I love it.

Remember, even if we disagree, you can still Call Me Dan.


Anonymous said...

hey Dan, i think Van and Otter would have made a great team. better yet, they need to do a movie with Van going to work for Eric. Think about those possibilities.

My View and Thoughts said...

9:42 PM
Call me Dan said...
You realize Otter became a gynecologist in Beverly Hills? That would be a great practice with Van and Otter and a set of stirrups.

Thanks for stopping by, Call Me Dan.