30 September 2008

I just had a great adventure!!!!

Hello Fans, Friends and Foes, as everyone knows and have been quite vocal about. As all of you know, September has not been my busiest month, and I do apologize for not communicating a little more to let you know I was taking a "semi-break". My email was been flooded and overflowing with several requests for info, reviews, etc, and alot of folks just wanting to know if I was okay in general, and that was very nice. I just had a real major case of "Roadblock-itis" this month and could never seem to get in the groove.

Here is the good news, the mental barricades have been removed, the batteries recharged and this cowboy is ready to ride the cyber range again.

I was debating what to say, if anything about my recent adventure when I decided on the "Texas Hold'em approach" and go ALL IN.

I was up in Seattle attending a course called The Pursuit of Excellence. It's not really one of those self help, mushy gushy "I get it, or I don't get it" type of courses that always makes for great parodies on TV shows and in the movies.

The Pursuit is more about providing you a set of tools you can use or discard, it's not about pressure, or judging anything. For me it was about organizing the million things in my head, and realizing that it's ok not to be perfect everyday. That was good to learn, lol. That's all I am gonna say about that for now, you can get more accurate info off the site here.

I met some fantastic people and had a great time.

Moving forward, I would like for EVERYONE to CAll Me Dan.

17 September 2008


08 September 2008

Fantastic software, Malawarebytes is #1

I don't even know where to begin, with all the brand names out there claiming to stop the various Malware schemes and scams, Malwarebytes actually delivers the goods. With all the rogue security programs out there trying to force you to buy some product that doesn't really exist. These hijacker programs can put you into PC HELL. Malwarebytes is the only program I have found that actually cleans your registry and gets rid of these guys.

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware is an anti-malware application that can thoroughly remove even the most advanced malware. It includes a number of features, including a built in protection monitor that blocks malicious processes before they even start.

I say get this thing NOW

02 September 2008

So long Jerry Reed and Thank You for some great music

The world lost a wonderful entertainer today with the passing of Mr Jerry Reed. I remember back in Jr. High and our P.E. teachers were required to teach us to "dance", LOL, the song Amos Moses was one of the most popular. Jerry Reed was not only just an actor and singer, but the man was one great composer. You can find his influence and songs through out multiple generations of singers and musicians. Mr. Reed had a real gift and we were fortunate.

So long Cletus, no question in my mind you are "Northbound". Of course you can Call Me Dan, but it's Mr. Reed always for me.