23 July 2008

The "period" is more than just a little dot.

I could offer an apology if this post offends anyone, but I don't see that happening as I just spent a very frustrating afternoon in a virutal "rasslin match" while trying to renew one of my SSL certificates over at Godaddy.

You see, to get your SSL Cert, you have to generate some codes and numbers and such thats called a CSR for verification purposes. None of that really matters, the bottom line is I kept getting rejected and the reason they gave me was very vague about why.

However, despite the vague rejections and the general lack of communication on Godaddy's part, since I am Dan, I finally figured it out. What was wrong? My "CSR" was missing a period. That's right, a little dot in the code was missing and caused me a whole lot of frustration and grief. This little guy was the reason, "."

That's when the hamster started turning the mighty wheel in my head and the blood was a pumpin I finally realized "The Power of the Period!"

It's not just a dot, think about it, "missed a period", "skipped a period", "got my period" "my period is late", "forgot about my period", "typewriter dropped a period", "she got her period".

I could go on and on and on and on, but I would have to buy more bandwidth to publish all there is to say about the "Almighty Period".

From grammar to human behavior, "the period" is more than just a little dot, it truly is POWER!!!

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