27 February 2009

I am a real FAN, NOT a Fanatic, but you can't deny Tanya Rocks.

Dan has declared this weekend, "Tanya Weekend", what exactly does that mean you ask? I am only listening to Tanya's music. I have been a fan since I saw her on Hee Haw in 1970 something. Then through mutual friends at time I was very sick, laid up in a less than perfect military hospital, I got a card from Tanya. Talk about a pick me up.

What brought on "Tanya Weekend" you ask? Well, I was simply toiling away, got on a conf call and as I was on hold for the host to login, the background music was Tanya singing "What's your mama's name", so I took that as a sign. Only Tanya Tucker music the entire weekend.

Call Me Dan, I would appreciate it.

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