This could have been my favorite show. Why didn't it make it?
We discuss everything from Restaurants, Global Trends, Retail, Product Reviews. We are always fair and provide only constructive criticism. (Fun Fruit Facts on Occasion)
31 March 2008
Girl bands vs Boy bands?
I saw on the news tonight that the New Kids on the Block were possibly planning a reunion show and that kind of got me to thinking about the fun of a Girl band vs Boy band "playoff". Well, kind of lost it's steam when I started with my favorite girl band of all time, The Runaways!! They would have literally kicked the crapola out of ANY Boy band. Any!!
I got news for you New Kids, Insync, 98 Degrees, Backstreet Boys, When the Runaways got through with you, you boys would be wearing dresses and most likely having your periods.
These were some bad chicks in every sense of the word. Why aren't they in the Rock Hall of Fame?
I got news for you New Kids, Insync, 98 Degrees, Backstreet Boys, When the Runaways got through with you, you boys would be wearing dresses and most likely having your periods.
These were some bad chicks in every sense of the word. Why aren't they in the Rock Hall of Fame?
Preventing Identity Theft….Part 2
With the “regular tax season” deadline of April 15th getting closer, the schemers and scammers will be going full steam ahead hoping to lure you into their twisted little web that we know as Identity Theft.
Learn the various terms and phrases out there in cyber land. Remember when “being bad” was actually good? Well, Phishing isn’t fishing for trout these days. Stay current.
Things to remember:
I.D. Thieves prey on everyone; they toss a line out and see who bites.
When receiving an email from your bank, always call your local branch to verify.
Make a point to visit your state and federal websites to keep yourself up to date with the latest schemes as listed below.
If you receive a phone call from someone claiming to be from your bank, they should ask you some validating questions about yourself. I always ask THEM a few questions, then hang up and call my local branch. You just cannot be too careful when it comes to bank info.
The IRS never contacts you via email about a refund or issue with your return, NEVER. This is always a sure fire scam.
1. Phishing: Phishing is a tactic used by Internet-based thieves to trick unsuspecting victims into revealing personal information they can then use to access the victims’ financial accounts. These criminals use the information obtained to empty the victims’ bank accounts, run up credit card charges and apply for loans or credit in the victims’ names. Phishing scams often take the form of an e-mail that appears to come from a legitimate source. Some scam e-mails falsely claim to come from the IRS. To date, taxpayers have forwarded more than 33,000 of these scam e-mails, reflecting more than 1,500 different schemes, to the IRS.
2. Scams Related to the Economic Stimulus Payment: Some scam artists are trying to trick individuals into revealing personal financial information that can be used to access their financial accounts by making promises relating to the economic stimulus payment, often called a “rebate.” To obtain the payment, eligible individuals in most cases will not have to do anything more than file a 2007 federal tax return. But some criminals posing as IRS representatives are trying to trick taxpayers into revealing their personal financial information by falsely telling them they must provide information to get a payment. For instance, a potential victim is told by phone or e-mail that he or she is eligible for a rebate but must provide a bank account number (or similar information) to get the payment. If the target is unwilling, the victim is then told that he cannot receive the rebate unless the information is provided. Individuals should remember that the only way to get a stimulus payment is to file a 2007 tax return. The IRS urges taxpayers to be extra-vigilant. The IRS will not contact taxpayers by phone or e-mail about their stimulus payment.
3. Military Spouses Targeted: The BBB warned that a caller claiming to represent the Red Cross informs military spouses that their husband or wife has been injured while on duty in Iraq and has been med-evacuated to a German hospital. The caller then claims that in order to start medical treatment, the spouse must provide correct identification of their enlisted family member including a Social Security number and birth date. (All the schemes and scams are slimy, but this one really rocks the slime ball meter)
Remember, keep your Firewalls up, your PC and security products updated and you should be fine. If you have a question or not sure about something, just ask.
Next month we are going to talk a little about all these texts messaging our kids are doing.
Learn the various terms and phrases out there in cyber land. Remember when “being bad” was actually good? Well, Phishing isn’t fishing for trout these days. Stay current.
Things to remember:
I.D. Thieves prey on everyone; they toss a line out and see who bites.
When receiving an email from your bank, always call your local branch to verify.
Make a point to visit your state and federal websites to keep yourself up to date with the latest schemes as listed below.
If you receive a phone call from someone claiming to be from your bank, they should ask you some validating questions about yourself. I always ask THEM a few questions, then hang up and call my local branch. You just cannot be too careful when it comes to bank info.
The IRS never contacts you via email about a refund or issue with your return, NEVER. This is always a sure fire scam.
1. Phishing: Phishing is a tactic used by Internet-based thieves to trick unsuspecting victims into revealing personal information they can then use to access the victims’ financial accounts. These criminals use the information obtained to empty the victims’ bank accounts, run up credit card charges and apply for loans or credit in the victims’ names. Phishing scams often take the form of an e-mail that appears to come from a legitimate source. Some scam e-mails falsely claim to come from the IRS. To date, taxpayers have forwarded more than 33,000 of these scam e-mails, reflecting more than 1,500 different schemes, to the IRS.
2. Scams Related to the Economic Stimulus Payment: Some scam artists are trying to trick individuals into revealing personal financial information that can be used to access their financial accounts by making promises relating to the economic stimulus payment, often called a “rebate.” To obtain the payment, eligible individuals in most cases will not have to do anything more than file a 2007 federal tax return. But some criminals posing as IRS representatives are trying to trick taxpayers into revealing their personal financial information by falsely telling them they must provide information to get a payment. For instance, a potential victim is told by phone or e-mail that he or she is eligible for a rebate but must provide a bank account number (or similar information) to get the payment. If the target is unwilling, the victim is then told that he cannot receive the rebate unless the information is provided. Individuals should remember that the only way to get a stimulus payment is to file a 2007 tax return. The IRS urges taxpayers to be extra-vigilant. The IRS will not contact taxpayers by phone or e-mail about their stimulus payment.
3. Military Spouses Targeted: The BBB warned that a caller claiming to represent the Red Cross informs military spouses that their husband or wife has been injured while on duty in Iraq and has been med-evacuated to a German hospital. The caller then claims that in order to start medical treatment, the spouse must provide correct identification of their enlisted family member including a Social Security number and birth date. (All the schemes and scams are slimy, but this one really rocks the slime ball meter)
Remember, keep your Firewalls up, your PC and security products updated and you should be fine. If you have a question or not sure about something, just ask.
Next month we are going to talk a little about all these texts messaging our kids are doing.
26 March 2008
I understand the need for rules and guidlines, but....
25 March 2008
Put Pete Rose in the Hall of Fame Please
No excuses for his behavior, it's certainly not my place to judge, but look at the past, present and future and put Pete Rose in Cooperstown. Enough already, just DO IT!
24 March 2008
Is there a perfect sandwich?

I have always been very outspoken about my "Pursuit of the Perfect Sandwich". After years of searching, sampling and creating, I believe I have finally discovered exactly "What the Perfect Sandwich is".
For some people, it's as simple as peanut butter and jelly. Others may enjoy a ham and cheese on rye, some with mustard, some with mayo. (Try tossing a few Lays potato chips on any cold cut combo)
National chains like Subway, Quiznos, Mr. Goodcents, etc, spend millions of marketing dollars each year trying to convince you their latest creation is the answer to your sandwich dreams. Then they only make it available for 30 days, hmmmm. It's all good though.
The privately owned sandwich shops are a little more to my liking, they tend to be a buck or two more a sandwich, but the quality is better and they usually have some very creative names for their arterie clogging creations that we love so much.
So, at the end of the day, what I feel is the "Perfect Sandwich", is the sandwich you are eating right now. The sandwich you want right then and there. What is it? Mayo? Lettuce? Cheese or no cheese? The perfect sandwich can vary from day to day and that is a very beautiful thing. Variety!!
I will make one thing perfectly clear, I do not tolerate bigotry among the cold cuts!! If you are an Anti-Bologna-ite, or feel Liverwurst is beneath you, keep your unkind words to your self please.
I will be rolling out a new sandwich blog with some of my favorites as well as new discoveries, stay tuned.
Until we meet again, keep the mustard chilled, the pickles sliced and never forget, you may Call me Dan.
23 March 2008
Very Good Point.
Driving home from a weekend getway today, my wife made a very profound statement that almost caused me to load my shorts I laughed so hard, however, the more I thought about it I realized she made a helluva good point.
We were driving through Palm Springs trying to find a place to eat, well, long story short it didn't work out and we ended up at a Jack in the box for some "burgers". My wife said, "Let's just get through this meal, we are gonna have like 7,000 more meals together in our lifetime and we can mark this one off as bad one and still get home on time". LOL. I love it.
We were driving through Palm Springs trying to find a place to eat, well, long story short it didn't work out and we ended up at a Jack in the box for some "burgers". My wife said, "Let's just get through this meal, we are gonna have like 7,000 more meals together in our lifetime and we can mark this one off as bad one and still get home on time". LOL. I love it.
20 March 2008
Interesting thing happened on the way to ..........
I ran up to the grocery store yesterday to grab a few things and cash in a lottery ticket. My parents were visiting recently and purchased a few daily tickets, well they got home and one of them hit for 80 bones. So they mailed it back and said give the $$ to Zelda and Moonbeam (Their grandaughters, my daughters), so I cashed it in, put a few things in the cart and headed to the checkout.
There was a nice looking young woman who obviously had small kids based on the items she was purchasing, when the checker told her the bill was 52 bux and change, she suddenly realized she had taken her wallet out of her purse and did NOT have her debit card. Ruh roh Shaggy.
She started digging frantically in her purse and pulled out a handful of cash, but was $9 and change short. So, seemed like a no brainer to me, I tossed her a $10 and said Merry Christmas.
She was very grateful, and just very nice in general as she tried to get my address to pay me back. After I FINALLY convinced her I didn't want the money back, she gave me a hug and walked away.
I was telling this story to a friend and they chuckled and called me one of the "All time great suckers". Hmm. I tend to disagree.
I kind of feel bad for my friend that their view was, "I am a sucker".
I may be a sucker, but you can still Call Me Dan.
There was a nice looking young woman who obviously had small kids based on the items she was purchasing, when the checker told her the bill was 52 bux and change, she suddenly realized she had taken her wallet out of her purse and did NOT have her debit card. Ruh roh Shaggy.
She started digging frantically in her purse and pulled out a handful of cash, but was $9 and change short. So, seemed like a no brainer to me, I tossed her a $10 and said Merry Christmas.
She was very grateful, and just very nice in general as she tried to get my address to pay me back. After I FINALLY convinced her I didn't want the money back, she gave me a hug and walked away.
I was telling this story to a friend and they chuckled and called me one of the "All time great suckers". Hmm. I tend to disagree.
I kind of feel bad for my friend that their view was, "I am a sucker".
I may be a sucker, but you can still Call Me Dan.
Classic ID Theft attempt via an E-mail
Here is a classic attempt of ID Theft via Email. So many people today use PayPal, these type of crooks are doing very well. Stop helping them.
This is not the real PayPal, these types of messages are from sleazy crooked,souless criminals.
Dear PayPal ® customer,
We recently reviewed your account, and we suspect an unauthorized transaction on your account.Protecting your account is our primary concern. As a preventive measure we have temporary limited your access to sensitive information.Paypal features.To ensure that your account is not compromised, simply hit "Resolution Center" to confirm your identity as member of Paypal.
Login to your Paypal with your Paypal username and password.
Confirm your identity as a card memeber of Paypal.
Please confirm account information by clicking here Resolution Center and complete the "Steps to Remove Limitations."
*Please do not reply to this message. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered.
Copyright Š 1999-2008 PayPal. All rights reserved.
This is not the real PayPal, these types of messages are from sleazy crooked,souless criminals.
Dear PayPal ® customer,
We recently reviewed your account, and we suspect an unauthorized transaction on your account.Protecting your account is our primary concern. As a preventive measure we have temporary limited your access to sensitive information.Paypal features.To ensure that your account is not compromised, simply hit "Resolution Center" to confirm your identity as member of Paypal.
Login to your Paypal with your Paypal username and password.
Confirm your identity as a card memeber of Paypal.
Please confirm account information by clicking here Resolution Center and complete the "Steps to Remove Limitations."
*Please do not reply to this message. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered.
Copyright Š 1999-2008 PayPal. All rights reserved.
So long Dooleys and thanks for years of greatness!
Growing up in Southern Illinois and 15 minutes across the river from Downtown St Louis, I was very fortunate to experience and enjoy a very diverse "eating experience." From the legendary "Hill" and it's incredible Italian cuisines, to the inner city greasy spoons that brought us everything from the Slinger to the Golden Horseshoe as well as Dieckmeyers world famous Brain Sandwiches.
Now due to "downtown development", we have to say goodbye to one of the all time great Hamburger joints, Dooleys in favor of an underground parking garage. It was indeed the proverbial "joint", Cold ale and great burgers since 1968, Dooleys has been serving "all the collars" of the St Louis workforce. From the hard hats building freeways to the judges upholding the law and everyone in between.
I am not against development and progress for the most part, it's just a part of the "moving forward" process, but I will not apologize for feeling a bit sad about the passing of a great place.
All patrons were created equal at Dooleys and you will be missed by all.
To Mr. Alex Dooley I say, "Call Me Dan as well as a Fan"
Now due to "downtown development", we have to say goodbye to one of the all time great Hamburger joints, Dooleys in favor of an underground parking garage. It was indeed the proverbial "joint", Cold ale and great burgers since 1968, Dooleys has been serving "all the collars" of the St Louis workforce. From the hard hats building freeways to the judges upholding the law and everyone in between.
I am not against development and progress for the most part, it's just a part of the "moving forward" process, but I will not apologize for feeling a bit sad about the passing of a great place.
All patrons were created equal at Dooleys and you will be missed by all.
To Mr. Alex Dooley I say, "Call Me Dan as well as a Fan"
19 March 2008
Not sure I agree with this
I was far from the perfect student growing up, but I was overall a pretty good kid. When I saw this video on CNN tonight, it brought back a few "5th grade memories" and Mrs. C.
Looking back as an adult, I realize that alot of the teachers I "couldn't stand" as a kid, really had my best interest at heart. Even when they called my parents to say "I had alot of potential, but loved to goof off", these teachers were looking out for me.
However, after much reflection, there was one teacher who was just plain mean. Mrs. C. was not nice, was not looking out for me, she was just a bitter mean woman who once locked me in a closet for an act I did not commit. She called me a liar, she called my parents, (she did leave out the part about locking me in a closet for 3 hours) she swatted my toosh with her little paddle. To her I say, "Shame on you Mrs. C, you failed, not me".
Sorry for rambling but this whole thing about this teacher making this kid "potty" in a lunchbox got my jaws a tad on the tight side.
Yes, Mrs. C., it was I who left the "tootsie roll surprise" in your terrarium. You were not a good teacher or a nice person then, I hope you are now.
Looking back as an adult, I realize that alot of the teachers I "couldn't stand" as a kid, really had my best interest at heart. Even when they called my parents to say "I had alot of potential, but loved to goof off", these teachers were looking out for me.
However, after much reflection, there was one teacher who was just plain mean. Mrs. C. was not nice, was not looking out for me, she was just a bitter mean woman who once locked me in a closet for an act I did not commit. She called me a liar, she called my parents, (she did leave out the part about locking me in a closet for 3 hours) she swatted my toosh with her little paddle. To her I say, "Shame on you Mrs. C, you failed, not me".
Sorry for rambling but this whole thing about this teacher making this kid "potty" in a lunchbox got my jaws a tad on the tight side.
Yes, Mrs. C., it was I who left the "tootsie roll surprise" in your terrarium. You were not a good teacher or a nice person then, I hope you are now.
18 March 2008
Let's dance
You know what, I am waving my "Rock n Roll requirement" for the rest of March, you wanna dance with Dan, NAME YOUR TUNE and let's get it on! I feel the need to make an ass out of myself with many different types of music.
Who would win?
In this day and age of WWE and the whole genre of entertainment known as "Rasslin", who would win this Battle Royale?
In the ring we have:
Batman (minus Robin)
The Hulk
Captain America
Wonder Woman
Captain Marvel
Ultra Man (Please don't say "who is this")
Thing (none of the other Fantastic Four are worthy)
We all have our favorites, but let's face it, pound for pound, power for power, Superman should win hands down. What are the odds someone is really going to get their hands on some kryptonite?
Superman really brings the best package of power to the table.
Disagree? Tell me why at
In the ring we have:
Batman (minus Robin)
The Hulk
Captain America
Wonder Woman
Captain Marvel
Ultra Man (Please don't say "who is this")
Thing (none of the other Fantastic Four are worthy)
We all have our favorites, but let's face it, pound for pound, power for power, Superman should win hands down. What are the odds someone is really going to get their hands on some kryptonite?
Superman really brings the best package of power to the table.
Disagree? Tell me why at
Movie Stars and People
I have always been a bit confused when a celebrity dies and their fans become so upset that some have even taken their own lives in grief. We have all lost family members and friends, so when a celebrity dies, I think, depending on the circumstances, that's too bad, but it is part of the "circle of life".
However, I did find myself with a slightly different attitude this past week when news of Patrick Swayzes cancer came out. I have enjoyed several of his films, I wouldn't call myself a super fan by any stretch, but I guess you could say I am a fan.
When the news of his illness came out, the very first thing I thought of was Dirty Dancing. Hmmm. Interesting you say? Well, I was in the Air Force at training school in a very cold part of the Midwest formerly known as Chanute Air Force Base. Dirty Dancing was the movie playing when my soon to be wife came to visit me for the first time. I admit to not watching a whole lot of the movie as I was mostly interested in kissing her. LOL. True, I had real restrictions the first 30 days of Tech School and a dark movie theatre had REAL APPEAL to me.
I can't even imagine how many times I played that song "She's like the wind" when I had a bad case of " I miss my Bethie"
Kind of funny how we all think about things in very different ways, that's part of the beauty of being a human being I guess.
But I do feel the need to say "Thank you for that song Mr. Swayze, it made me smile alot"
Call Me Dan.
However, I did find myself with a slightly different attitude this past week when news of Patrick Swayzes cancer came out. I have enjoyed several of his films, I wouldn't call myself a super fan by any stretch, but I guess you could say I am a fan.
When the news of his illness came out, the very first thing I thought of was Dirty Dancing. Hmmm. Interesting you say? Well, I was in the Air Force at training school in a very cold part of the Midwest formerly known as Chanute Air Force Base. Dirty Dancing was the movie playing when my soon to be wife came to visit me for the first time. I admit to not watching a whole lot of the movie as I was mostly interested in kissing her. LOL. True, I had real restrictions the first 30 days of Tech School and a dark movie theatre had REAL APPEAL to me.
I can't even imagine how many times I played that song "She's like the wind" when I had a bad case of " I miss my Bethie"
Kind of funny how we all think about things in very different ways, that's part of the beauty of being a human being I guess.
But I do feel the need to say "Thank you for that song Mr. Swayze, it made me smile alot"
Call Me Dan.
I have been giving it some thought and...............
Are we all really "wired" so different from each other?
What makes some people see only the negative and never the positive?
Why is it so hard for some people to smile? This one really confuses me.
I truly enjoy being nice to others, do you? If not, why is that? Nice is so much fun. Please explain.
Do you ever do something for others just to be nice and not expect anything in return? If you haven't, I highly reccommend it. Feels goooooooooood.
More to come, but while you are waiting, Call Me Dan.
What makes some people see only the negative and never the positive?
Why is it so hard for some people to smile? This one really confuses me.
I truly enjoy being nice to others, do you? If not, why is that? Nice is so much fun. Please explain.
Do you ever do something for others just to be nice and not expect anything in return? If you haven't, I highly reccommend it. Feels goooooooooood.
More to come, but while you are waiting, Call Me Dan.
A different kind of read I really enjoy
For those of you who enjoy some detective suspense, Michael Connelly and his Harry Bosch series and others provide some exciting reads.
Fun to read, nothing but fun. Take a look
I love to read almost as much as I love to eat and believe me, that's a powerful statement if you know my passion for lifting a fork or spoon.
If you would like some "no brainer" reading fun, kind of like "Lucy meets Cagney and Lacey" the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich is just a super fun bunch of books to read.
No social value, no lessons to learn, no moral to the story. Just sit back, read and be prepared to laugh.
If you would like some "no brainer" reading fun, kind of like "Lucy meets Cagney and Lacey" the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich is just a super fun bunch of books to read.
No social value, no lessons to learn, no moral to the story. Just sit back, read and be prepared to laugh.
What a wild 2 days
Sorry everyone, I haven't been on for a few days but I have had some firefighting to do. A very good client of mine had some biz issues that needed straightened out fast. Having family members in business together can be very tricky, if it doesn't work out, you always need to remember there are others usually involved and vengeful actions against each other will impact those that are just trying to earn an honest living.
All is good now, we were able to get things cleaned up, but the damage between these two parties is gonna take much longer to repair. Think before you.........................
Call Me Dan.
All is good now, we were able to get things cleaned up, but the damage between these two parties is gonna take much longer to repair. Think before you.........................
Call Me Dan.
12 March 2008
If everybody had an ocean, across the
USA, then everybody would be surfin', like Cali-forn- IA. How cool would that be? More people should go surfing, more people should stop and smell a pretty flower. My, aren't I quite the mellow philosopher?
No, the point is, smell the roses once in awhile. We put all these dumb time constraints on ourselves at work, our personal lives, what does it really get us? More money? Happiness?
Elvis starred in a movie back in 69 with Mary Tyler Moore called Change of Habit. There was a song from the opening that really struck me then, and continues to do so. Stop, Look and Listen baby, that's my philosophy, it's called Rubberneckin baby, but that's alright with me. Great Lyrics!!
No, the point is, smell the roses once in awhile. We put all these dumb time constraints on ourselves at work, our personal lives, what does it really get us? More money? Happiness?
Elvis starred in a movie back in 69 with Mary Tyler Moore called Change of Habit. There was a song from the opening that really struck me then, and continues to do so. Stop, Look and Listen baby, that's my philosophy, it's called Rubberneckin baby, but that's alright with me. Great Lyrics!!
Japanese iPod Nano emits sparks
Apple's popular iPod Nano shoots out sparks in Japan when being plugged into a charger, reports Reuters. The Japan Trade Ministry stated that this incident will initiate an investigation into the product and Apple to find out why the little audio player self destructed. No one was hurt in the incident and Apple has already claimed that they are looking into the cause of it and whether or not there have been any similar cases that may warrant a recall. Apple officials in Japan were not immediately available for comment. The incident, involving an earlier model sold in Japan, the MA099J/A, occurred on January 8 in Kanagawa prefecture near Tokyo, the official said. Apple reported the matter to the ministry on March 7. Approximately 420,000 Nanos have been sold in Japan since September 2005.
11 March 2008
10 March 2008
I have declared Monday, March 10th,2008 as "NAKED DAY"
With March 10th falling on a Monday this year, I literally had no option but to declare today "2008 Naked Mesa Day". I don't make the rules, I simply follow them. March 10th has always been Naked Day here in Mesa, so it is a tradition and I am a traditional guy, so here I sit, doing my work. "Buck Naked" Naked as a Jaybird" "Wearing my birthday suit", etc. Either way, it is quite a liberating feeling to sit at ones desk, void of all clothing or "societal handcuffs". Nothing sexual about it, just simply enjoying "the breeze".
Call Me Dan, or, for today, you can call me Naked Dan and proud of it.
Call Me Dan, or, for today, you can call me Naked Dan and proud of it.
08 March 2008
$42 million in letters and postage.
With the recent news that everyone who filed a tax return in 2006 would be getting some type of refund/rebate within the the next 2 mos. The IRS is spending $42 million to tell us about it. Now that's a wise spend of tax dollars. $42 million dollars. Hmmm. Could that money have been spent wiser? I kind of think so, but who am I to judge? $42 million. Boy'oboy that's alot of stamps.
Call me silly, but I really think there could have been a slightly cheaper way to inform the public. Mr. Bush, you are my President, the Commander in Chief and I respect the office, the title, etc., but I can't say I agree with you sir. But, I have never been President, walked any length in your shoes, but I am gonna reserve the right to "agree to disagree".
Call me silly, but I really think there could have been a slightly cheaper way to inform the public. Mr. Bush, you are my President, the Commander in Chief and I respect the office, the title, etc., but I can't say I agree with you sir. But, I have never been President, walked any length in your shoes, but I am gonna reserve the right to "agree to disagree".
07 March 2008
Where is the Man Show Boy?
Remember Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Carolla's tacky, tasteless, chauventisic, sexist, morally offensive in so many ways TV show? The Man Show!
It was definitely all of the above mentioned, but I loved it. LOL. Guilty as charged. One of my favorite recurring skits/characters was the Man Show Boy. Wow, did this kid push the envelope, wonder where he is now.
Some of the Best of the Man Show Boy.
It was definitely all of the above mentioned, but I loved it. LOL. Guilty as charged. One of my favorite recurring skits/characters was the Man Show Boy. Wow, did this kid push the envelope, wonder where he is now.
Some of the Best of the Man Show Boy.
13 is one tough number.
For every married man out there, when your wife informs you that she is pregnant with your first child, a ton of new emotions and thoughts begin flooding that otherwise shallow male brain. 'I'm gonna be a daddy" "My son and I are getting season tickets to ?" etc, "We're going deer hunting", most men just assume that their "super seed" created a boy, an heir, their name will live on. Your testosterone levels explode and you have the next 20 years of Father and Son adventures already planned out. LOL.
I admit to all those and more, but when my first little bundle of joy came along and the Dr. said, "Here's your daughter", All that stuff just simply went away. However, a whole new rush of emotions and thoughts filled up my head about "Protecting my little girl" "Having tea parties", LOL. "Nobody is good enough for my little girl". It's amazing how fast you go from shooting a deer to attending tea parties and having your little girl paint your fingernails or put curlers in your hair. LOL.
I still remember the look on my buddies faces while we were suiting up for our Monday night basketball league, I pulled off my socks and there were my painted toes in all their glory. LOL.
I got to thinking about all of this as my little girl, my baby, my little princess is about to celebrate her 13th Birthday. 13! She becomes a teenager, a young "woman", oh boy, this is tough digest, VERY TOUGH!
She is currently planning her upcoming birthday party and reality punched me in the face when I realized that BOYS would be invited to this celebration. Boys at my little girls party? I was cool with it when the parties were held at Chuck E Cheese. But this is a bit different, kind of a milestone, turning point so to speak. I am not allowed to have much of a presence, I was told "no singing, no Elvis impersonations, no dancing, no telling jokes",
Bottom line is, I am supposed to "Be Seen Very Little, and NOT HEARD.
I admit to all those and more, but when my first little bundle of joy came along and the Dr. said, "Here's your daughter", All that stuff just simply went away. However, a whole new rush of emotions and thoughts filled up my head about "Protecting my little girl" "Having tea parties", LOL. "Nobody is good enough for my little girl". It's amazing how fast you go from shooting a deer to attending tea parties and having your little girl paint your fingernails or put curlers in your hair. LOL.
I still remember the look on my buddies faces while we were suiting up for our Monday night basketball league, I pulled off my socks and there were my painted toes in all their glory. LOL.
I got to thinking about all of this as my little girl, my baby, my little princess is about to celebrate her 13th Birthday. 13! She becomes a teenager, a young "woman", oh boy, this is tough digest, VERY TOUGH!
She is currently planning her upcoming birthday party and reality punched me in the face when I realized that BOYS would be invited to this celebration. Boys at my little girls party? I was cool with it when the parties were held at Chuck E Cheese. But this is a bit different, kind of a milestone, turning point so to speak. I am not allowed to have much of a presence, I was told "no singing, no Elvis impersonations, no dancing, no telling jokes",
Bottom line is, I am supposed to "Be Seen Very Little, and NOT HEARD.
My favorite TV Families
We have seen some pretty interesting "TV Families" through the years, some fun, some you would like to forget, and some that were simply "History Making".
My personal top ten:
1. The Cunninghams-- Happy Days
2. The Bunkers--All in the Family
3. The Camdens--7th Heaven
4. The Waltons
5. The Clampetts--Beverly Hillbillies
6. The Bradys--Brady Bunch
7. The Cleavers--Leave it to Beaver (God bless Junes Pearls)
8. The Huxtables-- The Cosby Show
9. The Bradleys--Petticoat Junction
10. Tie between The Addams Family and the Munsters. You have to love these two.
My personal top ten:
1. The Cunninghams-- Happy Days
2. The Bunkers--All in the Family
3. The Camdens--7th Heaven
4. The Waltons
5. The Clampetts--Beverly Hillbillies
6. The Bradys--Brady Bunch
7. The Cleavers--Leave it to Beaver (God bless Junes Pearls)
8. The Huxtables-- The Cosby Show
9. The Bradleys--Petticoat Junction
10. Tie between The Addams Family and the Munsters. You have to love these two.
06 March 2008
For Web Design the Spotlight is on theMechanism
If you need to build a top shelf website, contact my friend Dave at theMechanism They are without question, "Rock Stars of Web Design"
Quality design mixed with "Old School Customer Service" are what seperates theMechansim from the other guys.
Call Dave and tell him Dan sent you.
Quality design mixed with "Old School Customer Service" are what seperates theMechansim from the other guys.
Call Dave and tell him Dan sent you.
05 March 2008
Trivia Time, I feel the need to give something away.
Stay tuned, I am about to roll out a trivia contest that will make you work for the answers. I will be giving away a Wii or Playstation courtesy of my friends at Bling Software Ltd. Not sure of the rules or categories yet, but stay tuned. The window of oppty will be short.
Lot's of useless facts floating around in this pumpkin head of mine, are you up for a challenge?
Call Me Dan. You gotta love me.
Lot's of useless facts floating around in this pumpkin head of mine, are you up for a challenge?
Call Me Dan. You gotta love me.
Delta Dawn, what's that.............
She's 41 and her daddy still calls her baby, all the folks around...............
Love that Tanya!
I have to mention her once a month so live with it. I could care less if you think it's an obsession. I have talked to my wife and Tanya is on "the list".
Love that Tanya!
I have to mention her once a month so live with it. I could care less if you think it's an obsession. I have talked to my wife and Tanya is on "the list".
TigerDirect vs.
The two major players in online shopping are without question, and TigerDirect. What is my opinion? No doubt about it, wins hands down for quality and service. I have worked very closely with both organizations in the past when I represented a product that sold so fast it was like printing money.
TigerDirect in my opinion sells crapola products that have been refurbished most of the time and you only know that if you read the fine, fine print. Don't even get me started on their customer service. has been the King and I endorse them without question. They have their speed bumps once in a while, but for consistency, they knock the ball out of the park.
TigerDirect in my opinion sells crapola products that have been refurbished most of the time and you only know that if you read the fine, fine print. Don't even get me started on their customer service. has been the King and I endorse them without question. They have their speed bumps once in a while, but for consistency, they knock the ball out of the park.
No More Labels.
I had a conversation with my friend Bob a couple of months ago when he was visiting and it just sort of sank in today while I was having another talk with a different friend. It sort of centered around that one topic that is even more taboo to discuss than politics, "RELIGION".
If one more person refers to another human being as a "Catholic, Mormon, Jewish, Baptist, etc.", I am gonna burst. What happened to just being a "person"? What happened to just being the "next door neighbor"? What happened to just being "my friend"?
I am not anti-religion at all, I firmly believe in faith. Faith is what get's us through the day, week, month, life, etc. Faith is a great thing.
Catholic, Mormon, Jewish, Baptist, etc, are just labels. No more labels for me and I refuse to say them or hear them.
I am in the "Human Being Business".
Thank you Bob for making one helluva good point.
You can Call Me Dan, but you can never call me a ...............................
If one more person refers to another human being as a "Catholic, Mormon, Jewish, Baptist, etc.", I am gonna burst. What happened to just being a "person"? What happened to just being the "next door neighbor"? What happened to just being "my friend"?
I am not anti-religion at all, I firmly believe in faith. Faith is what get's us through the day, week, month, life, etc. Faith is a great thing.
Catholic, Mormon, Jewish, Baptist, etc, are just labels. No more labels for me and I refuse to say them or hear them.
I am in the "Human Being Business".
Thank you Bob for making one helluva good point.
You can Call Me Dan, but you can never call me a ...............................
Classic ID Theft attempt
This is a classic ID Theft attempt via email, believe it or not, people do respond to this type of "crapola" Remember, THESE ARE THE BAD GUYS.
Delete them, never click on a link.
Dear Accesd customer,
We recently noticed one or more attempts to log in to your account from a foreign IP address. If you accessed your accountwhile travelling, the unusual login attempts may have been initiated by you. However, if you did not initiate the logins, please visit Accesd. as soon as possible to verify your identity.
This is a security measure that will ensure that you are the only person who can access your online account. Thank you for your patience as we work together to protect your account.
To get started, please click the link below and login to your account:
Best Regards,Desjardins Online Solutions, Security Center
Delete them, never click on a link.
Dear Accesd customer,
We recently noticed one or more attempts to log in to your account from a foreign IP address. If you accessed your accountwhile travelling, the unusual login attempts may have been initiated by you. However, if you did not initiate the logins, please visit Accesd. as soon as possible to verify your identity.
This is a security measure that will ensure that you are the only person who can access your online account. Thank you for your patience as we work together to protect your account.
To get started, please click the link below and login to your account:
Best Regards,Desjardins Online Solutions, Security Center
Underground Gamer R. is joining the fray.
For all you gamers and closet gamers, we have some pretty exciting news, "Underground Gaming Superstar R." has given up his vow of silence and agreed to write some simple reviews for us. I have decided to name him Ryan, hope he's ok with it, but it is my site.
Ryan wants to bring some basic fundamentals back to gaming for the younger generations and talk about the difference's between the various consoles and online arenas. Ryan's "old school approach is breath of fresh air and I hope you will enjoy his opinions.
Call me Dan.
Ryan wants to bring some basic fundamentals back to gaming for the younger generations and talk about the difference's between the various consoles and online arenas. Ryan's "old school approach is breath of fresh air and I hope you will enjoy his opinions.
Call me Dan.
New Hamburger Recipe
Great new recipe for grilling hamburgers.
I was looking to grill a burger for lunch yesterday and wanted to put a little different spin on it, couldn't quite put my finger on what I wanted. So I decided to enter into that dark scary territory of our home we refer to as "The Pantry". Part of it's charm is you never really know what's gonna fall off the shelf when you swing that door open. For all you adventure nuts and adrenaline junkies, come visit our pantry..
Here you go:
1 lb of ground beef, lamb or bison.
1 tablespoon of your favorite BBQ sauce.
1 cup of crushed, almost powdered Chili Cheese flavored Frito chips. (Put chips in a ziploc bag and get your dough roller out)
1 egg.
Mix it up, make your patties, and toss'em on the flame.
Once again, I have created a "Party in your mouth" experience.
Call me Dan
I was looking to grill a burger for lunch yesterday and wanted to put a little different spin on it, couldn't quite put my finger on what I wanted. So I decided to enter into that dark scary territory of our home we refer to as "The Pantry". Part of it's charm is you never really know what's gonna fall off the shelf when you swing that door open. For all you adventure nuts and adrenaline junkies, come visit our pantry..
Here you go:
1 lb of ground beef, lamb or bison.
1 tablespoon of your favorite BBQ sauce.
1 cup of crushed, almost powdered Chili Cheese flavored Frito chips. (Put chips in a ziploc bag and get your dough roller out)
1 egg.
Mix it up, make your patties, and toss'em on the flame.
Once again, I have created a "Party in your mouth" experience.
Call me Dan
04 March 2008
Apple and Nike hit the gym
BEAVERTON, Oregon (AP) -- Nike and Apple are making the iPod compatible with gym equipment.
Soon iPod users will be able to hook it up to equipment at gyms and health clubs to track workouts.
The companies announced Tuesday that they are working with gym equipment manufacturers and health clubs to allow members to plug their iPod Nano into cardio equipment to track workouts, set goals and upload the information to a Nike Web site.
The new technology is expected to hit gyms this summer.
It's another major partnership for Nike Inc. and Apple Inc., which created Nike+ technology more than a year ago.
The wireless system allows some Nike shoes embedded with a sensor to communicate with Apple's iPod Nano.
Soon iPod users will be able to hook it up to equipment at gyms and health clubs to track workouts.
The companies announced Tuesday that they are working with gym equipment manufacturers and health clubs to allow members to plug their iPod Nano into cardio equipment to track workouts, set goals and upload the information to a Nike Web site.
The new technology is expected to hit gyms this summer.
It's another major partnership for Nike Inc. and Apple Inc., which created Nike+ technology more than a year ago.
The wireless system allows some Nike shoes embedded with a sensor to communicate with Apple's iPod Nano.
Day 1 at CeBIT was weird........................
I just got off the phone with my Dutch friends at CDFreaks over in Holland and heard their take on day 1 of CeBIT. A bit of a surprise I have to say, I expected the HD/Blu-Ray battle to dominate. Here is what they reported.
We saw BENQ advertising by walking around in purple suits, beautiful girls showed their curves and suited men shouted. Everybody was at the opening of CeBIT 2008 in Hannover. Many tried to explain what they were standing for, others did their best by staying silent. Being green was the most important, but every company consumed electricity, like some visitors consumed alcohol.
CeBIT’s 2008 started with yesterday’s politics. German and French politicians showed their smile and journalists started with flashing their cameras. The high-definition format war wasn’t important anymore, everybody knew the winner. A spokesman from Sony NEC Optiarc said Blu-ray needed time. The bad feeling that many have around the brand isn’t true… It all has to do with Blu-ray’s age. What’s your opinion? How can a three year long war not make a brand mature? HD DVD couldn’t be found anywhere in the public area, but ‘unknown’ sources saw Toshiba’s players being dusty in the business area. This means that some people from the brand tried to get the product in, and others knew the end was there.
Asus added new titles to their already successful portfolio. The 12-inch Asus Lamborghini VX3 was showed to us with the real car standing behind it. Two girls made the image complete. An 11-inch subnotebook was finished with luxurious leather and showed the company’s strive for perfection. But, how about storage? SanDisk told that some phone companies were going to use their SDHC cards after January’s sampling. The company was planning to ‘look at the market’, and continue to provide companies like Sony and Nokia with the right equipment.
Logitech was showing how wireless they were. Their newest remote control could help everyone with infrared products in their house. It was easy to switch from PC to television, but infrared connected air-conditioning was also controllable with this simple remote…
Day one at CeBIT was weird, wireless, connected and definitely not pointed at the high definition format war. What day two will bring is still unknown, but it will definitely bring video reportage from day one.
Just for the record, in my opinion and based on past experience working closely with several of the folks at BENQ, they have some great ideas and hopes. But for the most part, the product coming out of BENQ "sucks canal water".
Send your reviews of CeBIT to
Call me Dan
We saw BENQ advertising by walking around in purple suits, beautiful girls showed their curves and suited men shouted. Everybody was at the opening of CeBIT 2008 in Hannover. Many tried to explain what they were standing for, others did their best by staying silent. Being green was the most important, but every company consumed electricity, like some visitors consumed alcohol.
CeBIT’s 2008 started with yesterday’s politics. German and French politicians showed their smile and journalists started with flashing their cameras. The high-definition format war wasn’t important anymore, everybody knew the winner. A spokesman from Sony NEC Optiarc said Blu-ray needed time. The bad feeling that many have around the brand isn’t true… It all has to do with Blu-ray’s age. What’s your opinion? How can a three year long war not make a brand mature? HD DVD couldn’t be found anywhere in the public area, but ‘unknown’ sources saw Toshiba’s players being dusty in the business area. This means that some people from the brand tried to get the product in, and others knew the end was there.
Asus added new titles to their already successful portfolio. The 12-inch Asus Lamborghini VX3 was showed to us with the real car standing behind it. Two girls made the image complete. An 11-inch subnotebook was finished with luxurious leather and showed the company’s strive for perfection. But, how about storage? SanDisk told that some phone companies were going to use their SDHC cards after January’s sampling. The company was planning to ‘look at the market’, and continue to provide companies like Sony and Nokia with the right equipment.
Logitech was showing how wireless they were. Their newest remote control could help everyone with infrared products in their house. It was easy to switch from PC to television, but infrared connected air-conditioning was also controllable with this simple remote…
Day one at CeBIT was weird, wireless, connected and definitely not pointed at the high definition format war. What day two will bring is still unknown, but it will definitely bring video reportage from day one.
Just for the record, in my opinion and based on past experience working closely with several of the folks at BENQ, they have some great ideas and hopes. But for the most part, the product coming out of BENQ "sucks canal water".
Send your reviews of CeBIT to
Call me Dan
I got a haircut today. Long overdue as my natural curls were begining to grow curls of their own and naming them as well. Can't have that. I tried to fight my curls as young lad and into my teens. Then one day for whatever reason, I gave up and made peace with them.
Well, now everytime I go back to my hometown and visit and run into a former balding or totally bald classmate, I want to get down on my knees and thank the almighty god of hair for my thick hard to manage, curly head of locks. Why is that you ask? I am not bald. LOL. No offense to the recedeing hairlines out their, but, I consider myself fortunate. But let's face it, that is part of the charm that we have all come to know as Dan.
Well, now everytime I go back to my hometown and visit and run into a former balding or totally bald classmate, I want to get down on my knees and thank the almighty god of hair for my thick hard to manage, curly head of locks. Why is that you ask? I am not bald. LOL. No offense to the recedeing hairlines out their, but, I consider myself fortunate. But let's face it, that is part of the charm that we have all come to know as Dan.
03 March 2008
Jackass Award
We have to apologize to Rush Limbaugh for overlooking him for our prestigous "Jackass Award". Rush, you are more than just an everyday run of the mill Jackass. You are a "Jackass Supreme".
To call Rush anything but an entertainer would be inaccurate in my opinion. To call him a political talk show host would be equally inaccurate. You can't deny his entrepreneurialism, he pumps out "crapola" to America and some folks even buy into his snake oil radio.
Free enterprise and Freedom of Speech at it's finest.
Rush, you may NOT call me Dan.
To call Rush anything but an entertainer would be inaccurate in my opinion. To call him a political talk show host would be equally inaccurate. You can't deny his entrepreneurialism, he pumps out "crapola" to America and some folks even buy into his snake oil radio.
Free enterprise and Freedom of Speech at it's finest.
Rush, you may NOT call me Dan.
The Osmonds
Hello everyone, hope you are all having a great Monday night, I sure am as I just finished watching the Osmonds 50th Anniversary Reunion on PBS. Yes, that's right, I said the Osmonds and PBS! (God bless the Arts) I never hide or deny the fact that "it's gotta be Rock n Roll Music, if you wanna dance with Dan". But I want to make one thing perfectly clear and clear up any confusion (per all the emails I have been recieving), I am first and foremost a MUSIC fan.
While the beat of Rock n Roll pumps through my veins, and the spirit of Elvis hovers around my aura at all times, I also possess a very diverse and wide open love of music of all genres. So hold onto your hats and brace yourself, but I personally feel that the Osmond Brothers are some of the finest entertainers to ever step onto a stage and I will debate anyone who disagrees till the proverbial "cows come home".
Open up your mind and listen to some of the great tunes these guys have put out over the years, they may not fit the profile of "cool" to alot of people, but to me the Osmonds are very cool for sticking to their principles through the years and cranking out some great entertainment.
While Donny and Marie have garnered the most attention thru the years, Merrell Osmond has got one fantastic voice that can hold it's own with almost anyone past, present and future.
My bottom line is the Osmonds can Rock, call'em corny, bubble gum, whatever, but if you have a brain you should have the abililty to clear your ears and hear some great music.
To the Osmonds I say, you can definitely CALL ME DAN!!
By the way, I also love the music of Tom Jones, Tony Orlando, Wayne Newton, Andy Williams, Neil Diamond, Tony Bennet and many others. Don't even think about dissin Mr. Sinatra.
Call me Dan.
While the beat of Rock n Roll pumps through my veins, and the spirit of Elvis hovers around my aura at all times, I also possess a very diverse and wide open love of music of all genres. So hold onto your hats and brace yourself, but I personally feel that the Osmond Brothers are some of the finest entertainers to ever step onto a stage and I will debate anyone who disagrees till the proverbial "cows come home".
Open up your mind and listen to some of the great tunes these guys have put out over the years, they may not fit the profile of "cool" to alot of people, but to me the Osmonds are very cool for sticking to their principles through the years and cranking out some great entertainment.
While Donny and Marie have garnered the most attention thru the years, Merrell Osmond has got one fantastic voice that can hold it's own with almost anyone past, present and future.
My bottom line is the Osmonds can Rock, call'em corny, bubble gum, whatever, but if you have a brain you should have the abililty to clear your ears and hear some great music.
To the Osmonds I say, you can definitely CALL ME DAN!!
By the way, I also love the music of Tom Jones, Tony Orlando, Wayne Newton, Andy Williams, Neil Diamond, Tony Bennet and many others. Don't even think about dissin Mr. Sinatra.
Call me Dan.
02 March 2008
Craigslist has become a SEWER!
Over the years Craigslist has expanded and exploded into an Internet Goliath for every type of advertisement from selling things to job advertisements, services offered, etc. The site is simply huge in terms of web traffic. However, Craigslist has also become a haven for prostitution, drugs and crime in general. In some respects, "Craigslist" has become "Bunkolist" as the bunko artists have been able to earn a pretty good living preying on those looking for a "discrete adventure".
As anyone that knows me can attest to, I am a true Digital Cowboy and supporter of Free Speech, Free Enterprise, Free Will, Freedom of Everything LEGAL for the most part. I am against government intervention for the most part, but if Craigslist doesn't do the right thing and step up to police their site up, then maybe "Big Brother" needs to step in and put some pressure on them. Ouch, that really was a painful statement for me to make. But I would rather see these moron congressmen going after these sites than baseball players.
I am calling on Craigslist to get it together, I sell on your site, I post job ads on your site, I love the site. But, let's face it, you have become an accessory to alot of criminal activity. Don't talk to me about free will and people have the right to make choices, that's simply a cop out. Don't tell me they will simply find somewhere else to go, that is weak as well.
You have a great core group of visitors and customers that number in the millions.
As anyone that knows me can attest to, I am a true Digital Cowboy and supporter of Free Speech, Free Enterprise, Free Will, Freedom of Everything LEGAL for the most part. I am against government intervention for the most part, but if Craigslist doesn't do the right thing and step up to police their site up, then maybe "Big Brother" needs to step in and put some pressure on them. Ouch, that really was a painful statement for me to make. But I would rather see these moron congressmen going after these sites than baseball players.
I am calling on Craigslist to get it together, I sell on your site, I post job ads on your site, I love the site. But, let's face it, you have become an accessory to alot of criminal activity. Don't talk to me about free will and people have the right to make choices, that's simply a cop out. Don't tell me they will simply find somewhere else to go, that is weak as well.
You have a great core group of visitors and customers that number in the millions.
01 March 2008
Dreamworks picked the wrong horse.
I have to say, I was extremely surprised by the recent announcement by Dreamworks that they are bound to an agreement with HD DVD without any type of escape clause. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Having met Mr. Katzenberg on a couple occaisons, it does shock me just a bit. However, these are sharp folks and the $150 million they were rumored to have been paid would not represent a huge number to them if they had to pay it back to "escape". So, I am withholding opinion on this for a bit, things just don't add up.
Courtesy of my friends at Afterdawn:
Dreamworks Studios has announced that they are still "locked" into an exclusivity deal with Toshiba to distribute their movies on HD DVD only and would continue to do so until Toshiba tells them differently. "We have a partnership with Toshiba and have an obligation to see this through," DreamWorks Chief Executive Jeffrey Katzenberg said.
"As you know, we have been well-compensated for our support. It really is in their court at this point to really declare what the next step will be. We're poised either way to jump into the marketplace when the conditions are right to do so," he added.
Katzenberg's comments seem to imply that all the past rumors were indeed correct and Dreamworks and Paramount were paid over $150 million USD to go HD DVD-exclusive for 18 months. It seems however that Paramount had a different clause in there contract because they recently dropped HD DVD in favor of Blu-ray.
Courtesy of my friends at Afterdawn:
Dreamworks Studios has announced that they are still "locked" into an exclusivity deal with Toshiba to distribute their movies on HD DVD only and would continue to do so until Toshiba tells them differently. "We have a partnership with Toshiba and have an obligation to see this through," DreamWorks Chief Executive Jeffrey Katzenberg said.
"As you know, we have been well-compensated for our support. It really is in their court at this point to really declare what the next step will be. We're poised either way to jump into the marketplace when the conditions are right to do so," he added.
Katzenberg's comments seem to imply that all the past rumors were indeed correct and Dreamworks and Paramount were paid over $150 million USD to go HD DVD-exclusive for 18 months. It seems however that Paramount had a different clause in there contract because they recently dropped HD DVD in favor of Blu-ray.
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