I was far from the perfect student growing up, but I was overall a pretty good kid. When I saw this video on CNN tonight, it brought back a few "5th grade memories" and Mrs. C.
Looking back as an adult, I realize that alot of the teachers I "couldn't stand" as a kid, really had my best interest at heart. Even when they called my parents to say "I had alot of potential, but loved to goof off", these teachers were looking out for me.
However, after much reflection, there was one teacher who was just plain mean. Mrs. C. was not nice, was not looking out for me, she was just a bitter mean woman who once locked me in a closet for an act I did not commit. She called me a liar, she called my parents, (she did leave out the part about locking me in a closet for 3 hours) she swatted my toosh with her little paddle. To her I say, "Shame on you Mrs. C, you failed, not me".
Sorry for rambling but this whole thing about this teacher making this kid "potty" in a lunchbox got my jaws a tad on the tight side. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2008/03/18/payne.fl.kid.lunchbox.bathroom.wesh
Yes, Mrs. C., it was I who left the "tootsie roll surprise" in your terrarium. You were not a good teacher or a nice person then, I hope you are now.
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