Over the years Craigslist has expanded and exploded into an Internet Goliath for every type of advertisement from selling things to job advertisements, services offered, etc. The site is simply huge in terms of web traffic. However, Craigslist has also become a haven for prostitution, drugs and crime in general. In some respects, "Craigslist" has become "Bunkolist" as the bunko artists have been able to earn a pretty good living preying on those looking for a "discrete adventure".
As anyone that knows me can attest to, I am a true Digital Cowboy and supporter of Free Speech, Free Enterprise, Free Will, Freedom of Everything LEGAL for the most part. I am against government intervention for the most part, but if Craigslist doesn't do the right thing and step up to police their site up, then maybe "Big Brother" needs to step in and put some pressure on them. Ouch, that really was a painful statement for me to make. But I would rather see these moron congressmen going after these sites than baseball players.
I am calling on Craigslist to get it together, I sell on your site, I post job ads on your site, I love the site. But, let's face it, you have become an accessory to alot of criminal activity. Don't talk to me about free will and people have the right to make choices, that's simply a cop out. Don't tell me they will simply find somewhere else to go, that is weak as well.
You have a great core group of visitors and customers that number in the millions.
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