I have always been a bit confused when a celebrity dies and their fans become so upset that some have even taken their own lives in grief. We have all lost family members and friends, so when a celebrity dies, I think, depending on the circumstances, that's too bad, but it is part of the "circle of life".
However, I did find myself with a slightly different attitude this past week when news of Patrick Swayzes cancer came out. I have enjoyed several of his films, I wouldn't call myself a super fan by any stretch, but I guess you could say I am a fan.
When the news of his illness came out, the very first thing I thought of was Dirty Dancing. Hmmm. Interesting you say? Well, I was in the Air Force at training school in a very cold part of the Midwest formerly known as Chanute Air Force Base. Dirty Dancing was the movie playing when my soon to be wife came to visit me for the first time. I admit to not watching a whole lot of the movie as I was mostly interested in kissing her. LOL. True, I had real restrictions the first 30 days of Tech School and a dark movie theatre had REAL APPEAL to me.
I can't even imagine how many times I played that song "She's like the wind" when I had a bad case of " I miss my Bethie"
Kind of funny how we all think about things in very different ways, that's part of the beauty of being a human being I guess.
But I do feel the need to say "Thank you for that song Mr. Swayze, it made me smile alot"
Call Me Dan.
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