08 March 2008

$42 million in letters and postage.

With the recent news that everyone who filed a tax return in 2006 would be getting some type of refund/rebate within the the next 2 mos. The IRS is spending $42 million to tell us about it. Now that's a wise spend of tax dollars. $42 million dollars. Hmmm. Could that money have been spent wiser? I kind of think so, but who am I to judge? $42 million. Boy'oboy that's alot of stamps.

Call me silly, but I really think there could have been a slightly cheaper way to inform the public. Mr. Bush, you are my President, the Commander in Chief and I respect the office, the title, etc., but I can't say I agree with you sir. But, I have never been President, walked any length in your shoes, but I am gonna reserve the right to "agree to disagree".


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